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Dean Gover Memorial Pingolf & New Years Party

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Dean Gover Memorial Pingolf & New Years Party

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December 13, 2023 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
339 A Main Street
Lyons, CO 80540
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Three events in one: a 5th Sunday Classics event (please reserve your spot below), a Dean Grover Memorial Pingolf Tournament, and then stick around and stay past midnight to celebrate New Years Eve (with live music from Aaron Rito).

Dean Grover Memorial Pingolf Tournament

All day long, there will be a non-WPPR pingolf tournament, celebrating the late Dean Grover’s contributions to pinball, both locally, and worldwide (through his game programming). Play through a special pingolf course before, during, or after the 5th Sunday Classic. No payouts – all entry money for the pingolf event will be donated to the CU Transplant Fund in Dean’s honor.

5th Sunday Classic
Come play in the third ever 5th Sunday Classic! Huge field of players. Big payouts. Massive WPPRs. Classics only. Entry is limited, so please reserve your spot in advance.

When: Sunday December 31st. Doors open: 12pm. Tournament start time: 1pm. **This is a later start time than our last 5th Sunday Classic**

What: Classics machines only (1985 and older)! 9 rounds of qualifying. Each round is a four player match on one machine, with 7-5-3-1 scoring. After 9 rounds (which is expected to end around 3pm), the top 16 advance to the finals. The finals is four player matches, on a bank of three games, with 4-2-1-0 scoring.

Qualifying is expected to end around 5pm. Finals expected to end around 9pm.

Cost: $20 entry. All entry money (minus WPPR fees) goes to the prize pool. Payouts: 1st: 30%. 2nd: 18%. 3rd: 12%. 4th: 8%. 5th-8th: 4%. 9th-16th: 2%. Games set to coin play.
Registration: Open now. Reserve your spot today!

New Year’s Eve Party
And by party, we mean: more pinball! Stay and play into the wee hours of 2024. Live music from Aaron Rito.

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