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2nd Annual Lyons Games Day

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2nd Annual Lyons Games Day

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May 11, 2024 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
600 Park Drive
Lyons, CO 80540

Let’s celebrate the end of school and the beginning of summer with a Games Day for kids and adults!

The games will be a mix of playground, summer camp, and field day games for most ages 5+ to 70. They will be a blend of physical activity and mental challenges like egg spoon race, screaming toes, Jedi numbers, blob tag, water ballon toss, and more. Some games will only be a few minutes and others could be a little longer. Got a favorite game? Bring it or teach it!

The more people that attend the better as it will allow us to play more games so invite your friends and family. Everyone is welcome and depending on how many people come it should last about an hour or a little longer.

There’s no cost and this is simply meant to be a fun way to reconnect with community after a long winter.

Please RSVP as it will help determine which games we can play and hope to see you on the big field at Johnson Park!

We will go to ALodge in Lyons afterwards for anyone that can join.

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